Dr. Carrie Madej Nearly Died In Devastating Airplane Crash

Our dear friend and phenomenal world leading freedom fighter doctor Carrie Madej was involved in a plane crash, which almost killed her. After testifying in court for a fellow medical freedom fighter Dr. Paul Gosselin, and attending an event with likeminded people, she took off in a private plane with her partner Billy. Shortly after take off the engine malfunctioned, and they crash landed in a nearby field. Dr. Madej has several fractures, for which she received surgery today, and Billy has skull, facial and back fractures. Praise God they are both alive, but I am asking all of you for prayers. Especially for Billy, who is injured severely on his head. As many know, Dr. Carrie Madej is one of the forefront medical professionals who has been warning humanity about the nefarious trans-humanist agenda behind the imposed vaccines. Dr. Madej has attended medical conferences where she heard the proverbial ‘crazy, evil professors’ outline their dark agendas with vaccin...