
Showing posts with the label Wilbur Glenn Voliva

Buddhist Map (found 1907 Japan - Dr Kobayashi)

Buddhist World Map - found by well known psysician Dr. Kobayashi's brother in a Bubbhist temple in Japan 1907.    The map featured in The Hawaiian Gazette., January 11, 1907 and the original dated to be around 1000 years ago possibly being made by Chinese priests. The map is drawn on the principle of the Mercator Azamuth Projection showing the North Pole as the center. FLAT EARTH FILMS LEVEL 2021 NEXT LEVEL 2022

Wilbur Glenn Voliva

Wilbur Glenn Voliva (1870-1942) took control of the community of Zion, Illinois — a religious community which taught Flat Earth doctrine (through the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church) — after Alexander Dowie resigned due to poor health and scandal. He kept tight control over the community and broadcast his Flat Earth agenda from a 100,000-Watt radio station in the town. READ MORE >>>