MASS MURDER by government witnessed by undertaker

The funeral director John O’Looney is a direct eye witness to the murder of thousands of innocent people in care homes, by the British government, who were then all labeled covid deaths. This marked the start of the pandemic in the U.K. Then a government official came to this undertaker instructing him to label every death as covid . A man who was run over, a cancer death, a heart attack, everyone had to be labeled covid deaths. John O’Looney is a respected funeral director, who was asked by the BBC to help them create hysteria at the beginning of the pandemic. John didn’t understand yet what was ging on, and played along. He had to put a PPE suit on and had to answer the questions form the BBC exactly how they had told him. Later he began noticing one thing after the other that didn’t make sense. Worst of all, he saw how thousands of elderly were put in care homes by the government, where they received lethal doses of Midazolam, which killed them. These deaths were then used t...