By David Icke. A fascinating animated presentation that explains how exactly the cabal could pull of a pandemic on a worldwide scale. Very clear and eye opening!
The Ice Wall was discovered by Sir James Clark Ross, a British Naval Officer and polar explorer who was among the first to venture to Antarctica in an attempt to determine the position of the South Magnetic Pole. Upon confronting the massive vertical front of ice he famously remarked... The Ice Wall as observed from a nearby aeroplane “ It was ... an obstruction of such character as to leave no doubt in my mind as to our future proceedings, for we might as well sail through the cliffs of Dover as to penetrate such a mass. It would be impossible to conceive a more solid-looking mass of ice; not the smallest appearance of any rent or fissure could we discover throughout its whole extent, and the intensely bright sky beyond it but too plainly indicated the great distance to which it reached southward . ” James Clark Ross FLAT EARTH FILMS LEVEL 2021 NEXT LEVEL 2022
It’s been incredibly busy at London Real of late and with so much going on in the world, I have to say, that’s just the way I like it. You see, the goal has always been to try and bring you the most important voices across a broad range of topics and interests, that you won’t find in the mainstream media. And as daunting as things may feel at times, it’s never been more necessary than right now. I believe everybody has the right to voice their opinion and furthermore, we should all have access to a variety of information and ideas so that we can make informed choices based on sound evidence. Today’s guest, oftentimes controversially, has become something of a regular on London Real and the Digital Freedom Platform, not least because he’s one of the most fascinating men I’ve had the pleasure of sitting down with, but also because above all else I steadfastly believe that everyone has the right to freedom of speech. David Icke, according to most references, is a ‘conspiracy theorist’,...
Buddhist World Map - found by well known psysician Dr. Kobayashi's brother in a Bubbhist temple in Japan 1907. The map featured in The Hawaiian Gazette., January 11, 1907 and the original dated to be around 1000 years ago possibly being made by Chinese priests. The map is drawn on the principle of the Mercator Azamuth Projection showing the North Pole as the center. FLAT EARTH FILMS LEVEL 2021 NEXT LEVEL 2022
The United States federal bodies responsible f or the nation’s healthcare policies keep turning a blind eye to the devastating number of deaths and injuries associated with experimental gene therapeutics against Covid , aka Covid vaccines . All severe reactions to the shots are proclaimed “rare.” Steve Kirsch, California tech entrepreneur and founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), has estimated that the shots have left as many as five million Americans unable to work, 30 million injured, and more than 750,000 dead, as of June 24, 2022. According to the latest survey conducted by Pollfish on behalf of the VSRF, vaccines are associated with a very high number of adverse reactions, including lethal and life-altering ones. That means that the vaccinations should be halted immediately. Writes Kirsch, Our latest poll is devastating for the official narrative: 1. a 6.6% rate of heart injury, 2. 2.7% are unable to work after being vaccinat...
Trump shooter identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks after attempted assassination A 20-year-old gunman shot and wounded Donald Trump in an attempted assassination at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday in one of the most horrifying acts of violence in political history. Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire from a rooftop 130 yards from where the former president was on stage speaking to thousands of fans in Butler at 6.15pm on Saturday night. WATCH FOOTAGE OF THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION ON DONALD TRUMP Trump suddenly grabbed his ear and had blood covering his face after at least eight shots were fired and the crowd started screaming as Secret Service agents swarmed around him. He then got up, raised his fist and shouted ‘fight, fight, fight’ as he was rushed away from the scene and to hospital. Just a few hours later he released a statement saying he was fine and describing the moment he felt the bullet rip through his skin. The attacker killed a member of the crowd before he was shot an...
Attorneys General from 20 conservative states are threatening legal action against the Department of Homeland Security’s newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which they said will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression and described as “un-American.” If it were that simple, It would merely be irony that the Biden Administration lead by its chronic serial fabricator in chief is going to bypass the First Amendment and setup an Orwellian Ministry Of Truth lead by esteemed disinformation regurgitator Nina Jankowicz. Jankowicz has praised the debunked Dossier author Christopher Steele, heralded that Covid absolutely never came from a Chinese lab and vehemently claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation with zero evidence. But Jankowicz's manic zealotry is far more complicated than what appears on the surface. Jankowicz's resume reads like a quintessential job application to the Biden Ukranian corruption corporation. An organiza...
One minute he’s baptising Russell Brand and talking about ‘love’ – the next he’s preparing teenagers to serve the war machine. No contradiction there, then... King Charles has appointed Bear Grylls to a new Army role while making the TV adventurer a figurehead for new young recruits. The survival expert has been given the title of Honorary Colonel of the Army Foundation College (AFC) in Harrogate and his new role will see him lead as a key figure of inspiration for incoming members. On July 11, Grylls took to social media to share the news of his latest role within the college that prepares young Brits to serve in the Armed Forces, alongside a photo of himself donning his new camouflage uniform. He wrote: ‘So proud to have been appointed Honorary Colonel of the Army Foundation College by His Majesty The King. ‘An Army Basic Training organization, the AFC builds the character, competence, and resilience of young people to help them succeed in life and within the military. ‘No matter whe...
URGENT! For everyone’s sake, share these videos amongst family and friends, since we are in grave danger, being subject to medical and social tyranny, which is striving to destroy humanity. Dane Wigington, a US expert in geo-engineering, claims that a key component of climate engineering is chemical ice nucleation for weather modification. It is cloud seeding with chemical ice nucleating elements, or endothermic reacting elements. Climate engineering creates a layer of cold, dense air that descends to the surface, thereby producing ice storms. A winter weather war is being waged, and it involves inter-governmental cooperation among a plethora of countries. “They’re disrupting the hydrological cycle. They are killing the flora and the forests,” says Wigington.
Sam Dodson, an intellectual engineer, called out the FDA for doing “nothing” with the “massive safety signals,” colluding with pharmaceutical companies to suppress trial data for 75 years, ignoring fraudulent data, ignoring adverse events like myocarditis and prion diseases and ignoring issues with infertility.
Our dear friend and phenomenal world leading freedom fighter doctor Carrie Madej was involved in a plane crash, which almost killed her. After testifying in court for a fellow medical freedom fighter Dr. Paul Gosselin, and attending an event with likeminded people, she took off in a private plane with her partner Billy. Shortly after take off the engine malfunctioned, and they crash landed in a nearby field. Dr. Madej has several fractures, for which she received surgery today, and Billy has skull, facial and back fractures. Praise God they are both alive, but I am asking all of you for prayers. Especially for Billy, who is injured severely on his head. As many know, Dr. Carrie Madej is one of the forefront medical professionals who has been warning humanity about the nefarious trans-humanist agenda behind the imposed vaccines. Dr. Madej has attended medical conferences where she heard the proverbial ‘crazy, evil professors’ outline their dark agendas with vaccin...
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