
Biden Administration Caught Importing Terrorists From Afghanistan

BREAKING: Source Inside the Federal Government Reveals Suspected and Known Terrorists Walk Freely in the United States Following Biden Administration's Pullout in Afghanistan

Dr. David Minkoff

The mockingbird media is trying to insult your intelligence by claiming Alex Jones is a fraud playing a character.

The Ministry Of Totalitarianism

Attorneys General from 20 conservative states are threatening legal action against the Department of Homeland Security’s newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which they said will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression and described as “un-American.”  If it were that simple, It would merely be irony that the Biden Administration lead by its chronic serial fabricator in chief is going to bypass the First Amendment and setup an Orwellian Ministry Of Truth lead by esteemed disinformation regurgitator Nina Jankowicz. Jankowicz has praised the debunked Dossier author Christopher Steele, heralded that Covid absolutely never came from a Chinese lab and vehemently claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation with zero evidence.  But Jankowicz's manic zealotry is far more complicated than what appears on the surface. Jankowicz's resume reads like a quintessential job application to the Biden Ukranian corruption corporation.  An organization h

Let's Not Forget Tour Stop 24 - Greymouth RSA Hall - West Coast- 16 June 2022

The Greymouth stop was held in a hall at the local RSA which had the trolls trying to shut us down again.  Philip Paterson, a long time 1080 activist discussed the history of the anti-1080 movement & the damage this poison is causing in NZ.  Roy Arbourne, continued on this topic and his observations as a bee keeper and the effects of 1080 on honey Kath Lane from Hari Hari gave a talk about her views on the proposed Waitaha power scheme & current DOC stewardship land currently undergoing reclassification.  Dinnay, an everyday NZer went to Picton for a day to support the convoy. Her and her brother have been visited by the boys in blue & she shares her thoughts on what this government has done that no other one before it has.  Forty & Jacquie share Forty's vaccine injury story. Tonica a nurse with over 47 years experience nursing was mandated out of a job. Heather-Meri Pennycook is back by popular demand. In 2020 Heather stood for the NZPP party in the general elec

General Flynn Talks The Importance of Fathers

On Father's Day, General Flynn talks about the importance of Fathers and how the breakdown of the family is what's really causing a lot of the problems in our society.

Bryson Gray - Kanye Was Right [Music Video]

Bryson Gray Bryson Gray SUBSCRIBE Song is available EVERYWHERE now! Let's change culture!

Right Now with Jaymie Icke - 24.06.22 - Smash Cut

Tonight is all about mind control. Deprogramming expert Stewart Swerdlow is on the show to talk about how you can protect yourself from outside sources influencing your thoughts.  Danish father Thomas Jensen is on the programme to tell us about how his children were taken off him in Denmark for simply homeschooling them, and how that ties into a deeper story of child thefts and mind control in the country.  MK Ultra survivor Cathy O'Brien joins us to talk about her new film Trance which details her life-story of escaping the MK Ultra mind control programme in the 90s right up to today.

Did Ukraine Fire US supplied HIMARS Rockets On Civilians In Donetsk

See Pro-Russian DPR Forces Fire Rocket's On Ukraine Near Avdiivka

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology.  For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.  Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists' dark agenda. Endgame's compelling look at past atrocities committed by those attempting to steer the future delivers information that the controlling media has meticulously censored for over 60 years.  It fully reveals the elite's program to dominate the earth and carry out the wicked plan in all of human history. Endgame is not conspiracy theory, it is documented fact in the elite's own words.

The Obama Deception

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order.

America Destroyed by Design

In Alex Jones' first full-feature documentary, watch as he travels the U.S. to discover the truth - that it is rapidly being taken over by the Globalist agendas.  With this video, you can have the proof you need and stand with Alex Jones as he uncovers how the soveriegnty of the U.S. is under attack.  Learn how our soveriegnty is subordinated to globalists and the Deep State such as Presidio foundations, the United Nations, Chinese Interests and many more as they try to take over our parklands and the Panama Canal.

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove

Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove documented the first ever hidden camera incursion into the Grove and the bizarre pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care, practiced by its members: all men, including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger to name but a few.   For most of the Club's long history, the public could only speculate as to what these men were doing. Now the truth can finally be revealed. Discover the horror of the secret rituals and strange perversions engaged in at Bohemian Grove. Is this where your future and the destiny of the entire planet is decided?



9/11 The Road To Tyranny


Martial Law 911 Rise of The Police State

Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9-11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America. Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen.  The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a police state. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9/11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.   Learn the terrifying secret that holds the future of the world in its grasp. From the frontlines of the police state to the darkest sanctum of the secret society that controls it, Martial Law reveals the master-plan of a group hell-bent on capturing America today — and tomorrow the world.  The New World Order has set in motion the Fourth Reich. Martial Law is a blazing spotlight piercing the electronic Berlin Wall of controlled corporate media.  Plumb the depths of the elites' minds: their ideology, their driving philosophy, and uncover the power-mad cult of death

9/11 CHRONICLES: Truth Rising


Ben Livingston: The Father Of Weaponized Weather

Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960's during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops.  Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time.

The Order of Death

The Order of Death picks up where Dark Secrets leaves off. This new work exposes the connections between the Bohemian Club and Skull and Bones and other occult secret societies.  Jones explores the roots of the Grove and its links to occult networks dating back to ancient Egypt and Babylon. This new film delves deeply into the history of the Grove where powerful men make decisions that affect the world but are completely hidden from public scrutiny.  The Order of Death details how the Grove has been the backdrop for some of the most earth-shattering events in human history including the development of the Starwars program and the Manhattan Project.   Jones' newest foray into revealing the occult also had him butting heads with local protesters of the Grove who, like the owl-worshippers inside, try to conceal their own occult practices. The Order of Death also features never before seen footage captured by a daring former Grove employee including an astounding look inside the owl

TERRORSTORM - A History Of Government Sponsored Terror

Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.   Learn in this shocking Alex Jones documentary not only how the world's governments have staged false-flag terror events, but, more importantly, why.

Charlotte Iserbyt - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan.  While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they're told.

America: Freedom to Fascism

America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 film by filmmaker and activist Aaron Russo, covering a variety of subjects, including: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags, Diebold electronic voting machines (aka Dominion), globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the use of terrorism by the government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights.  The film has been criticized for its promotion of conspiracy theories, its copious factual errors, and its repeated misrepresentations of the individuals and views it purports to criticize.

NEW WORLD ORDER: Blueprint of Madmen

This CLASSIC Alex Jones’ documentary shatters the hoax of the terrorism, revealing instead that government is history’s greatest killer.  Now a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill billions with the superweapons it has created under a police state control grid and through the central banking warfare model it brought to life.  This documentary is another powerful tool in exposing the false threats used by the elite to control us– powerful because it casts an even greater light on their own dangerous megalomaniacal quest for total power.

Geoengineering Expert Rosalind Peterson - Documentary

Peterson of California Skywatch was a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. She now spearheads a watchdog group that monitors uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs Peterson is at the forefront of the chemtrail research field and how the unexplained patterns that scar our skies are "causing detrimental human health effects and environmental degradation."

Police State 2000

Alex Jones reports from the frontlines of America's unfolding police state, revealing the globalist plot to militarize America's law enforcement and pave the way for tyranny backed by martial law. While our freedoms are being systematically dismantled, our military and law enforcement are being conditioned to enforce New World Order policies on civilians.

Police State II: The Takeover

The looming specter of terrorism has become the ultimate excuse for the systematic oppression of the American people. Homeland Security, Patriot Act 1 & 2, the Total Information Awareness Network – these have all been created and endorsed under the guise of national security. But what are the real reasons for these measures, and exactly what ends justify these means?

Police State III: Total Enslavement

We Face the Greatest Evil Ever Seen a systematically crafted global dictatorship sworn to enslave every man, woman, and child. It's time to wake up to the facts: The U.S. government has fallen under the control of the sinister engineers of the New World Order. 9/11 merely marked the start of the final phase of the Illuminati scheme to consolidate their global power and transform Earth into a prison planet.  Alex Jones profiles the psychopathic character of the globalists. Learn the master-plan of the bloodthirsty elite to financially, physically and spiritually imprison the world.

Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA

Tyranny is here. The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And it's only getting worse. Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military-industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner - it's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.  This film exposes how the Continuity of Government program has established an all-powerful shadow state. Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictat

MASS MURDER by government witnessed by undertaker

The funeral director John O’Looney is a direct eye witness to the murder of thousands of innocent people in care homes, by the British government, who were then all labeled covid deaths. This marked the start of the pandemic in the U.K. Then a government official came to this undertaker instructing him to label every death as covid . A man who was run over, a cancer death, a heart attack, everyone had to be labeled covid deaths. John O’Looney is a respected funeral director, who was asked by the BBC to help them create hysteria at the beginning of the pandemic. John didn’t understand yet what was ging on, and played along. He had to put a PPE suit on and had to answer the questions form the BBC exactly how they had told him. Later he began noticing one thing after the other that didn’t make sense. Worst of all, he saw how thousands of elderly were put in care homes by the government, where they received lethal doses of Midazolam, which killed them. These deaths were then used t

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko takes a BIG RISK by telling all!

Dr Vladimir Zelenko takes a big risk by telling it all. He risks his very life for saying the things he is saying.

MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? [MUST SEE]

This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments... That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab , George Soros, ...


By David Icke. A fascinating animated presentation that explains how exactly the cabal could pull of a pandemic on a worldwide scale. Very clear and eye opening!

Most powerful whistleblower ever! “Mass murder by government”

Funeral director John O’Looney witnessed mass murder by British government. Thousands of people were killed in care homes, and then labeled as covid deaths. That was the start of the ‘pandemic’ in the U.K. His testimony is by far the most revealing and most shocking of all. Absolute must see for al of humanity.

IVERMECTIN - Wonder Drug for COVID-19 - Dr. Pierre Kory, Senate Hearing

IVERMECTIN - Wonder Drug for COVID-19 - Dr. Pierre Kory, Senate Hearing

Ukraine documentary about neo-nazi movement

What nobody told you about Ukraine.

FORBIDDEN CURE - A cure for all diseases

Andreas Kalcker cures millions in South America with CDS.

Amazing testimony from financial elite insider - Ronald Bernard

Incredible revelations from elite whistleblower Ronald Bernard.

WAKE UP CALL - US Military Intelligence Reveals Evidence Of Election Fraud

Former US army Colonel Phil Waldron explains how top level military technology reveals how the 2020 presidential elections were stolen.

THE PLAN - WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030

THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened. Make sure to watch, and share this everywhere.

Lawyers & experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship under the guise of pandemics

PRESENTING THE EVIDENCE A group of international lawyers, top level experts, and renowned scientists present the evidence before a Grand Jury that the COVID-19 pandemic is a criminal operation, with the purpose of installing a world dictatorship. EXPERT WITNESSES Among the expert witnesses are World Health Organization advisors, a United Nations official, members of British Intelligence Services, former officers from the U.S. and U.K. military, an expert from the Center for Disease Control, a former vice-president from Pfizer, a Nobel prize winner for medicine, and many other high-level witnesses. PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION The experts show how mind control, psychological manipulation and hypnosis techniques are used to control the opinions and behavior of the public worldwide. The information is backed up with official documents issued by the governments and the named organizations. Below is one example of an official document from the British Government, revealing an official strat


The Alex Jones Show to break down the future of a world facing nuclear war. MORE GERALD CELENTE VIDEOS

SHANGHAI "Hell On Earth"

Wake up people, Disturbing scenes, viewer discretion is a must.  PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE. The original film is taken from the Australian Independent Press Network. JOIN US ON TELEGRAM TO WATCH THIS VIDEO


Several Thousand People Defy Protest Ban in Amsterdam to Oppose Dutch Government's Lockdown Measures.

UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership

Soon, Brits will own nothing and will be happier for it… UK Government transport Minister Trudy Harrison recently spoke at a mobility conference, addressing the future of personal mobility. In her comments, she said it was necessary to ditch the "20th-century thinking centred around private vehicle ownership and towards greater flexibility, with personal choice and low carbon shared transport." That’s right, she said the quiet part loud and showed the hand of a growing number of government officials. Harrison went on to praise not only public transportation but also bike share services, e-scooters, and ride sharing platforms. All of these are supposed to tune down how much carbon the UK is emitting into the atmosphere. As with all choices, this comes at a cost, particularly for those living in rural areas. What’s more, 300 residents in Coventry recently expressed interest in giving up their personal cars. The tradeoff from the government reportedly would be a mobility credit